Legal notice Le Liadou du Vallon ®

Company name and statutes. is published by the company Le Liadou du Vallon, SARL with a capital of €10,000.
Headquarters address:
17 quai du Cruou
12330 Marcillac-Vallon, Aveyron, France
Address of the main establishment:
17 quai du Cruou
12330 Marcillac-Vallon, Aveyron, France
Tel: + 33 ( 0)5 65 67 15 12
Responsible for publication: Mr Nicolas Julvé
The site is hosted by Shopify Inc., 150 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario-Canada, and designed by Becausse, Web Agency in Aveyron.
Intellectual property and rights granted to users.
The contents of the site are protected by copyright. Unless expressly authorized in advance by Le Liadou du Vallon SARL, it is prohibited to reproduce and/or use the trademarks, illustrations, photos, and logos present on the site, as well as only to modify, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit and distribute in a digital or other format, all or part of the information, texts, photos, images, illustrations, videos and data present on this site.
Photo creditsand cordial thanks to our photographer friends: Patrice Geniez, Richard Storchi, Attila Feher, Frédéric Garrigues, Franck Hamel, Nicolas Julvé.
Data Protection Act.
The information collected via our Contact page is subject to computer processing intended to inform you of news and commercial offers related to the activity of our site . The recipient of the data is Mr. Nicolas Julvé (Legal Representative). In accordance with the law, this data collection procedure has been declared to the CNIL, registered under the registration number (in progress).
In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise at any time by contacting: Le Liadou du Vallon - 17 quai du Cruou - 12330 Marcillac-Vallon, or by sending us an email.
You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.